SXSW on SoundCloud - Our Pick of the Best Talks

For those who didn’t attend SXSW, we’ve compiled a list of some of our favourite marketing- and advertising-related recordings published by SXSW on SoundCloud.

Brands as Storytellers & Curators of Information

Curation is the Cure for Information Overload (0h59m)
While this talk specifically addresses the growing need for curated of news quick-comprehension “packaging”, the principles are also relevant to brand communications.

Choice… the Gateway to Engagement (0h11m)
An exploration of the complexity of making choices, and how this depends on creating the right state of mind and environment to facilitate engagement through choice.

“Human” Brand Connections & Engagement Strategies

Human Connection: The Ultimate Digital Currency (01h04m)
Ivan Cash argues the importance of engaging experiences over tech and UX, and how we really want to do more than just share, like and tweet.

The Future of Marketing: Advocacy (0h47m)
While there is general consensus that advocacy is A Good Thing, this talk looks at how it can develop the same reach as mass media – and how influencers can be empowered.

Original Perspectives

The Neurochemistry of Brand Love (0h50m)
An investigation of the invisible, intangible factors that determine brand affinity, and how trust, empathy and connection actually depend on oxytocin release.

Make Them Hate You (0h11m)
Adam Abrahami argues that not failing ≠ winning, that playing it safe results in unmemorable campaigns, and that creating debate is an underused tool for creating emotional engagement.

Go Home Marketing, You Are Drunk (0h58m)
Kristina Halvorson on how fixing what’s broken is more important than finding new things to break: “Your message is splintered. Your teams are siloed. Your technology is backwards. Your content still sucks.”

Further Listening

Evolution of Storytelling: Brands As Broadcasters (0h30m)

Interview with The Goggles: Immersive Storytelling (0h58m)

Getting to Why: Great Brands Create Great Experiences (0h56m)

Trust-Based Campaigns: A Brand Ambassador with PTSD (0h58m)

Trustparency Study: How to Build Natural Brands (0h42m)

Faster than Real-Time: Predictive Marketing (1h01m)

Viral Sucks (0h48m)

Do Algorithms Dream of Viral Content? (1h02m)

Visually Turning Complexity into Clarity (1h24m)

Johannes Meyer
Strategy Intern UK

Cover image: cinnamon_girl via Flickr.
License: CC BY-SA 4.0