
Speed to SpeedKills

When approached to create a new road safety campaign for Australia’s Transport Accident Commission (TAC), we sought to design a unique solution whereby our audience could get involved themselves.

So we engaged the townsfolk of the tiny Victorian town of Speed. The proposition was that they change their name to SpeedKills if 10,000 people pledged a commitment reduce their speed by clicking a campaign like on Facebook.

Working with the town itself we created a wide variety of content showcasing the town’s appeal to get people to slow down on the roads, and deployed a SpeedKills Facebook page as the campaign’s central hub.

The results were overwhelming and exceeded all targets from the TAC. Within 24 hours we secured 10,000 likes culminating in over 35,500 likes in 4 weeks. With over $6M in international PR coverage, SpeedKills remains one of the TAC’s most successful campaigns to date.